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  • Writer's pictureMiss T

It's Personal

My beautiful mum has been through so much and now she's back in hospital. My stomach is in knots as I anxiously wait for news to see another consultant, for a second opinion, it's agony! Of course, I have prayed to God to intervene and keep her from harm.

Mum has always been afraid of dying - she wants to go quickly, which I can understand. She has always been a worrier and a hater of doctors and hospitals (nothing personal).

Notwithstanding her feelings, she has seen her fair share of medics and operating theatres etc.. At age 38 she had her right breast removed. Years later, she had a bad fall which resulted in her having pins in her right elbow. Then, she was admitted to the hospital with Diverticulitis and had half her bowel removed. Next, she was rushed into hospital, spending ten days there to reverse the effects of an opioid she was taking for arthritic pain. She had become so sensitive to the drug, she almost died.

Mum has had a Hiatus Hernia for many years. However, in 2017 she fell in the kitchen slicing off the top of her finger. Moreover, the fall had pushed her intestines through her diaphragm. Her several chest X-rays were the talk of the ward. This fall changed Mum's life forever. In 2019, Mum was taken to hospital with dangerously low blood pressure. She spent ten days in intensive care.

Each time Mum has been admitted to hospital, God has answered my prayers and brought her home. Today, I am again asking Him to bring her home. However, every time I have asked, I have also believed - His will be done. i.e. I would accept the outcome that He decides. No matter how old my mum is I will be devastated when the unhappy event inevitably happens. The same applies's agony waiting to hear if anything can be done.

Our Lord offers comfort and reassurance, about many things, throughout the New Testament - too many to mention here. However, can I suggest you browse through John? John is particularly poignant, as our Lord is betrayed by His own people. Put to death on the cross...only to rise again. God offers eternal life, to those who truly believe - i.e. when we die, which we all must do, here on earth, our spirit will rise, just as Jesus's did when he ascended to the Father.

"...I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you..." (John 14:16)

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